Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why Cloth Diaper?

Every family has their own reasons for cloth diapering. Typically it's either for the health of their baby, to save money, or to make an effort to be more eco-friendly. All three of these reasons are very good reasons to make the switch.

If you have the time to sit and watch it, I highly recommend this episode of Shari Criso's online show, My Baby Experts. She sits down with the owner of Kangacare and creator of Rumparooz cloth diapers. Start at about 17:02 minutes into the show, they talk a lot about cloth diapers and how it benefits your baby, your family and your environment. Seriously, every mom should watch this, even if they do not cloth diaper. LOVE IT!

...if you don't have a ton of time to sit and watch the above video, the below video says a lot of the same stuff in a shorter amount of time:

When first becoming interested in cloth diapering, I had found this video made by gDiapers about how diapers biodegrade...

...this did it for me. Why contribute to a mass pile of waste that will likely NEVER break down?

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