Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Diaper Types: Cloth Diaper Covers

A diaper cover is pretty straight forward... it is a cover that goes over a diaper. The diaper being an insert of some sort, typically a cloth prefolded diaper. Diaper covers, just as with pocket style and AIO style diapers, can come in both One-Size and Sized variations and most brands also give you the options of Snaps or Hook-and-Loop closures. A diaper cover system can also be referred to as an "All-In-Two", or "AI2".

Different ways to use a diaper cover:

"the old fashioned way" of cloth diapering... just like in the days of old, but without the pins! They have something way more pleasant to use these days called a Snappi! To use the Snappi, you triangle fold a prefolded diaper and use the Snappi to secure the prefold around your baby.... like this:

...then you would put the diaper cover on around the prefolded and Snappi-ed on diaper. Makes for a bulky, but effective diaper.

...but, what I found to be much easier... is to just fold a prefold into 3rds and place it into the diaper cover. Here is a great How-to video that I had found when I was first learning about cloth diapering and looking into different options:

Some cloth diaper companies also make their own cloth inserts - usually called "Nappies", "Doublers" or "Soakers". They're typically made out of a micro-fleece material that allows them to be very thin, but very absorbent.

My favorite diaper cover brands:

(Econobum diaper review: HERE )

(Blueberry Coverall review: HERE )

***in case it wasn't noticeable: If you click on the blue lettering, you will be taken to external links of websites that sell these diapers :)

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